Attendance and Absence Reporting

At Friezland, we aim for 100% attendance for all of our pupils. A school year consists of 190 days for pupils. Of course, we know that sometimes people are unwell and so inevitably, there are times when children and staff will become ill and be unable to attend school. At Friezland, we believe 97%+ reflects excellent attendance.

In order to promote the best attendance possible, appointments (e.g. doctors / dentist) should be made outside of the school day wherever possible and holiday absence during term-time will not be authorised unless exceptional circumstances apply. If you need to make a term-time absence request, please use the Absence Request Form which can be found on this page or contact the school office for a copy. The application form details the fixed penalty notices which Oldham LA can implement should a child accumulate 5 days / 10 sessions (AM and PM) of unauthorised absence in a school year.

Please be aware that unauthorised absence marks may also accrue if a child is regularly late for school.

Our school day starts at 08:45am and our registers close at 09:00am.

Afternoon registration is 1:00pm.

The foundation of securing good attendance is to ensure that Friezland is a calm, orderly, safe, and supportive environment, where all pupils are happy, eager and ready to learn. In our pupil survey taken in July 23, 97% of pupils said they were happy at school and 99% said they felt safe when at school. Where parents decide to have their child registered at school, they have an additional legal duty to ensure their child attends that school regularly and is punctual. We want to work in partnership with you all to ensure the best outcomes for all our pupils and their families.