Welcome to Class 3!

Welcome to Class 3, where pupils in Year 3 and 4 work with the class teachers, Mrs Power (Monday & Tuesday) and Mrs Cookson (Wednesday-Friday), and our team of Teaching Assistants.

Class 3 is a place where children feel safe and confident to try new things, learn from mistakes and enjoy learning. Pupils spend two years in Class 3 and therefore the learning is on a two-year cycle. We use key questions which the children try to answer through their learning, such as, ‘What makes the Earth angry?’ and ‘How can we recreate the wonder of Ancient Egypt?’ We are keen authors and our writing is inspired by high quality books, texts, images and our personal experiences. A wide range of visits and visitors are woven through the curriculum to broaden the learning opportunities and widen children’s experiences. The content is driven by the children’s prior knowledge and understanding and they build on the skills and knowledge they have acquired in Key Stage One. You will find information about our learning for this half-term in our class newsletter below.

In Class 3, home learning will be set on Fridays and should be completed by the following Wednesday. A list of spellings and the times table focus will always be sent home on Fridays for a test the following Friday. A Home Learning Challenges sheet will also be sent home at the start of each term with fun activities linking to Class 3’s curriculum topics.

Please ensure your child reads regularly. They may wish to read to you, with you, or independently. If your child is reading books on the Friezland Reading Scheme, they will have a Reading Record too. Please use this to comment when you hear your child read. School will use it to inform you of when we have listened to your child 1:1 and also when a new book has been issued. When your child is no longer on the reading scheme and therefore a ‘Free Reader’, you will be informed via a letter.

Children can earn reward stickers for good behaviour or fantastic work to go on their sticker charts. Once the chart is full they are presented with a certificate and badge during Friday’s special assembly. Every week a child from the class will be chosen to receive the Friezland Expectation reward.

You can find out more about our curriculum coverage under the ‘curriculum’ tab’.