School Meals
When you join Friezland School, a school lunch is available to your child, every day. Our School Meal Service is run in-house and we offer quality meals which are good value for families. Lunch menu A runs from September to February half term and lunch menu B runs from February half term until the end of the school year.
The current cost of a child’s school meal at Friezland is £2.80 per day but as part of the Government Universal Free School Meals Scheme, all pupils in Reception to Year 2 are entitled to FREE school meals. We encourage all our families to take up this offer.

Means-tested Free School Meals
Do you think you may be entitled to free school meals for your child?
Please check the criteria. You can either contact the school office confidentially or apply directly to Oldham Council HERE. For every child in receipt of free school meals, school can receive £1300 worth of funding for intervention, small group work, additional support and tuition. However, we can’t be awarded this funding without families claiming what they are entitled to. If your child is entitled to universal free meals, but you believe you would be entitled to means-tested free school meals if the meal wasn’t funded, please follow the link above to complete the relevant paperwork with Oldham LA as school can then start to receive additional funding for your child which can be used to support them as mentioned above.
For more information on what we spend such funding on, please see our Pupil Premium information.
You can get free school meals if your child attends a local authority maintained school (not private) and you receive one of the following:
· Income Support (IS)
· Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA)
· An income-related employment and support allowance
· Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
· Child Tax Credit (provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) that does not exceed the current year’s level
· Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
· Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after your employment finished, or after you start to work less than 16 hours per week.
· You, as the parent or guardian, must Receive Child Benefit for the child you are responsible for.
· Children who receive IS or IBJSA in their own right are also entitled to receive free school meals.
· Children who receive “education suitable for children who have not attained compulsory school age” will still need to satisfy the additional requirement of “receiving education both before and after the lunch period”, before being eligible to receive free school meals.
There are also cases where the parent/guardian whose children may be eligible for free school meals is not on Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction, i.e. where they are not the householder. This is generally the case where the pupils’ parent/guardian lives in another household.