Special Education Needs and Disability Provision

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) at Friezland is: Miss S Kay

Local Authority SEND Offer

The Oldham Council Local Offer gives information to parents about what facilities are available for children with special educational needs in the Oldham area.

What is the Local Offer

SEND Local Offer Leaflet

SEND Helpline Leaflet

Good Practice and Quality Assurance Guide

Support and Advice for Families

If you would like to receive updates and alerts of new services and resources from the Local Offer Directory, please register your child on the confidential ‘additional needs’ register at Oldham Council here: Additional Needs Register

Information from OMBC’s Family Information Service 0-19 years old (25 years with SEND) can be found here:  www.oldham.gov.uk/fis

OMBC’s Point of contact is Gerri Barry or Jean Reid. You can contact them by email via: local.offer@oldham.gov.uk

You can also find more resources from the Whole School SEND website here: www.sendgateway.org.uk/resources