Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)

At Friezland Primary School, we are committed to valuing the individuality of all our pupils and to giving all pupils every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. This is underpinned by our mission statement, ‘A Family Committed to Making a Difference.’

Our intention is that all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve high attainment across all subject areas. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support disadvantaged pupils to achieve that goal, including progress for those who are already high attainers.

What is the Pupil Premium Grant?

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of ‘disadvantaged pupils’ and close any gaps between them and their peers.

Pupil Premium funding is available to both mainstream and non-mainstream schools, such as special schools and pupil referral units. It is paid to schools according to the number of pupils who meet any of the following criteria:

  • Low-income families with children who are registered as eligible for Free School Meals (FSM).
  • Any child who has been registered for FSM at any point in the last 6 years (Ever 6 FSM).
  • A child in care who has been looked after continuously for 6 months or longer (CLA / AfC).
  • A child whose parents are serving in the armed forces (Service Premium).

*Schools receive their funding every financial year (April – March) and this is spent accordingly each term.

Pupil Premium Allocations for Friezland Primary school:


Financial Year (Apr-Mar)
Friezland PPG Amount
£23,980 (PPG)
£2180 (CV19 Recovery Premium)
£26,160 (projected figure)


Provision at Friezland School:

At Friezland, we work in partnership with families and external providers to ensure that the choices we make, with regards to how the money is spent, are the best possible choices that will ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils.

As a school we try to use our Pupil Premium to:

  • Ensure a range of effective learning experiences in the classroom.
  • Provide a range of group and individual interventions designed to support those with identified needs.
  • Offer a broad and balanced range of activities, designed to engage and motivate pupils, raising their aspirations and creating a positive view of learning and themselves.

For more details on the Pupil Premium please visit: http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/pupilsupport/premium

Sports Premium

Background to the Primary PE and Sport Premium Funding
The PE and Sport Premium Funding is given to Primary Schools to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and School Sport and to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles for the benefit of all pupils. Schools receive their funding each financial year (April – March) and this is spent accordingly each term.

Provision at Friezland School
Participation in Physical Education has significant benefits for children. Research shows that high quality PE and sport also has an impact in improving educational standards. As well as helping children become more active and healthy, it also helps to develop children’s self-esteem, confidence and helps to increase social and team-working skills. At our school we are committed to delivering two hours of high quality PE each week for every pupil by:

  • ensuring all pupils are included
  • timetabling space fairly
  • deploying and developing staff (including sports coaches) effectively
  • delivering carefully planned progressive lessons which build on pupils’ prior knowledge and skills.
  • providing opportunities for challenge and competition.
  • monitoring and evaluating pupils’ progress and outcomes.
  • rewarding and celebrating pupils’ achievements.

At Friezland, the use of the PE and Sports Premium Funding will be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the following areas:

  •  further improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision across the school
  • increase pupil participation in PE and sport and introduce children to a wide variety of sports e.g. fencing, basketball, handball, athletics, swimming
  • encourage all pupils to enjoy sport, develop healthy lifestyles and reach their true potential
  • inspire pupils to participate in competitive sport
  • work in partnership with external providers such as Sport Development and Primary Stars, other schools and sports clubs
  • further increase staff confidence to deliver high quality PE lessons through professional development

Sports Premium Allocations for Friezland Primary school:


Financial Year (Apr-Mar)
Friezland SPG Amount