Welcome to Class 1
At Friezland we have a small reception class of 15 pupils. The teacher is Mrs Butterworth who works with Miss Whitty, Miss Chambers and Mrs Moores, our Learning Support Assistants.
We are very lucky to be able to provide both indoor and outdoor rich learning environments. We also run a very successful Forest Fun session in our small garden area every week for Reception children.
Our Indoor and Outdoor Classrooms
We work with the Early Years Foundation Stage 2021 and provide both adult led and child initiated learning opportunities. We have exciting and stimulating provision areas again indoors and outdoors. We work very closely with our small class and pick up on individual interests when planning our next steps for learning.
Our classroom is very exciting and it changes all the time with different areas in which to learn. We have a writing area, book corner, construction area, maths area, creative area, role play and small world areas. Outside we have water, sand, small world, forest, role play, painting, large construction & den building areas.
Working with our Parents
We encourage parents to work very closely with us and contribute towards observations and assessments via Tapestry to help provide a clear, accurate picture of each child’s development and learning at school and home.
Home Learning
We ask our children to read at home everyday for 5 minutes with a family member. Children bring home sound, word and number cards to learn and in the Summer Term begin to practice spelling the 45 high frequency words.
Transition Meetings
Prior to children starting at Friezland we run a series of transition opportunities. We do a virtual call with parents, a pre-school visit; we invite pre-school children into school for a ‘Forest Fun’ session when they get to explore our outdoor learning area along with their class peers and a morning/afternoon visit to spend time in the classroom which includes lunch.
Our children are all looked after by a Year 6 Buddy when arriving in school. Reception children spend time with their Buddy at playtimes and lunchtimes and also pair up with them for Buddy Reading and other activities throughout the year.
We have a class bear in Reception called Bertie. He spends each day watching us learn and each Friday he goes home with a child who he thinks has worked extra hard, or been very kind to someone in class. He comes back the next Monday and shares the adventures he has had at each child’s home.
You can find out more about our curriculum coverage under the ‘curriculum’ tab‘.
Autumn Term
Jungles, Forests and Dinosaurs
Festivals and Celebrations
Spring Term
Summer Term
The Garden and Minibeasts.
The Seaside and Pirates
Is Your Child Ready for Reception Class?
Use this poster to support and encourage your child to be well prepared for starting Reception Class.

Oldham’s 50 Things To Do Before You’re Five