Emotional Health & Mental Wellbeing

At Friezland Primary School we believe that good social, emotional and mental wellbeing can create the foundations for healthy behaviours and educational attainment. This is embedded in all aspects of our wide, varied and inclusive curriculum. We use Oldham’s whole school approach, ‘Supporting Young Minds Through Tough Times’ to review and plan our practice and work closely with families, outside agencies and the children themselves to promote effective emotional health and mental wellbeing awareness, guidance, support and or intervention. Friezland Primary School’s lead teacher for emotional health and mental wellbeing is Miss.R, Hill (Headteacher).
Health & Wellbeing Support for Families
Supporting Young Minds Through Tough Times
Friezland School response to EHMW
Friezland EHWB Graduated Response
Oldham’s Key Partners Booklet
This May help – This is a new national initiative providing mental health
advice to parents and carers who have concerns
about their child’s mental health: https://thismayhelp.me
Kooth is an online free, safe and mental wellbeing
community support for people 10 to 25 years
Qwell is an adult version of Kooth and is online
free, safe and mental wellbeing community
support for people aged 26+ www.qwell.io
Cost of Living Crisis- Help and Support Available
We Can Help: www.oldham.gov.uk/wecanhelp
Free School Meals (FSM) eligibility checker: www.oldham.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals
Children and family benefits: www.oldham.gov.uk/info/200230/early_years/194/children_and_family_benefits
Help paying for childcare eligibility checker: www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Money Helper Service The free government-backed MoneyHelper service
In recognising the significance of early intervention and prevention in mental health, our Youth in Mind initiative is specifically targeted to respond to the needs of children and young people. If you would like further information on any of our services please click the image below or contact them on 0161 330 9223- They will be happy to answer any queries.
Tamside, Oldham and Glossop MIND are a charity that support children and families in our area. They hold a drop in session on Thursday evenings at the Positive Steps building in Oldham town centre. You do not need an appointment to take your child, should you have any concerns about their emotional health and mental wellbeing. You can call them on 0161 330 9223 or click the image below for further information.
Another mental health charity with lots of information and ideas is Young Minds. Please click the image below to visit their website